Friday, 20 July 2012

Fifty Shades of Grey, E L James

Read on the Kindle, mainly to see what the fuss was all about.

I can see how it has become a sensation, through clever marketing.  It's like it's given women permission to read and talk about reading 'saucy' books.

I read it all the way to the end, but found the repetition really grating.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Let's Pretend This Never Happened, Jenny Lawson

Read on the Kindle, downloaded following a recommendation from Amazon.

The first Kindle book that I have regretted buying in electronic format.  There were lots of footnotes, bit of a pain clicking on them, then coming back to your original page, and lots of photographs, which go a bit fuzzy when you zoom in on them.

Having said that, Jenny Lawson is a very funny woman and has written a very funny book.  If you love her blog, you will certainly love this book where her whimsy and flights of fantasy are given a more free rein in chapter form rather than being constrained to the length of a blog post.